2000 Link-Belt HC-248H Truck Mounted Lattice Boom Crane

Zach Smith: 901-302-4119
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2024
Capacity: 200.00
Hours: ~2,475
Condition: Good
Unit #: 1277
2000 Link-Belt HC248H
-Detroit Series 60 engine
-Eaton RTO12908LL transmission
-280' main boom
-100' jib
-88,440lbs counterwight
-2 winches (main & aux. both good)
-Johnson 60T 2 sheave block, 3T 1 sheave
-385/95R tires (all good)

Barnhart Crane & Rigging
www.barnhartcrane.comContact: Zach Smith, Equipment Specialist
Phone: 901-302-4119
Fax: 901-775-2992
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2000 Link-Belt HC248H
-Detroit Series 60 engine
-Eaton RTO12908LL transmission
-280' main boom
-100' jib
-88,440lbs counterwight
-2 winches (main & aux. both good)
-Johnson 60T 2 sheave block, 3T 1 sheave
-385/95R tires (all good)
Rental Prices
Please contact the dealer for pricing -- 901-302-4119
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