1989 JASO J23MA Tower Crane

Jean Marc Rousseau: +52 444 824 2300
Last Updated: 01 Jan 2016
Capacity: 2.20
Hours: LOW
Condition: Good
1989 JASO J-23MA
JASO J-23 Tower Crane
Revamping 2008
2-Ton Capacity
Height: 98' (30 mts)
Arm: 98' (30 mts)
Includes remote control, bucket concrete, basket, lift pallet, and anchorage.
CONTACT: Rafael Perez Sandoval
Phone: 0052 4444818213
Email: [email protected]

Gruas y Montajes SIM, S.A. de C.V.
www.gruasymontajes.com/Contact: Jean Marc Rousseau
Phone: +52 444 824 2300
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Jean Marc Rousseau, +52 444 824 2300
Gruas y Montajes SIM, S.A. de C.V. Contact Seller Get Financing1989 JASO J-23MA
JASO J-23 Tower Crane
Revamping 2008
2-Ton Capacity
Height: 98' (30 mts)
Arm: 98' (30 mts)
Includes remote control, bucket concrete, basket, lift pallet, and anchorage.
CONTACT: Rafael Perez Sandoval
Phone: 0052 4444818213
Email: [email protected]
Rental Prices
Please contact the dealer for pricing -- +52 444 824 2300
Email Seller

Jean Marc Rousseau, +52 444 824 2300
Gruas y Montajes SIM, S.A. de C.V. Contact Seller Get FinancingAdvertisements