Manitowoc 14000 Crawler Lattice Boom Crane

Walter Payton Power Equipment, LLC
Brian Lynch: 708-656-7700
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2023
Brian Lynch: 708-656-7700
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2023
Price: Inquire
Location: Riverdale, Illinois, United States
Capacity: 220.00
Boom/Jib: 292'-0"
Condition: New
Boom/Jib: 292'-0"
Condition: New
The Model 14000 features the patented CAN-Bus and EPIC control system configured with six independent closed-loop hydraulic circuits. The fully hydraulic crane offers a maximum main boom of 89 m (282 ft), a luffing jib up to 110 m (364 ft) and lift capacity of 200 t (220 USt). The Model 14000 crane uses the FACT connection system for easy set-up.
Additional Features:
Complete crane, maximum boom, fixed jib, and counterweights ships on only 12 trucks
Heaviest module weight of 39,689 kg (87,500 lb) maximum module width of 3 m (10 ft)
Fast, efficient self-assembly and disassembly
253 kW (340 Hp) engine
EPIC with CAN-bus controls
Manitowoc Crane Care comprehensive support
Possible Boom/Jib Combinations:
292 ft Main Boom
243 ft Main Boom + 80 ft Fixed Jib
193.6 ft Main Boom + 170 ft Luffing Jib
193.6 ft Main Boom + 170 ft Luffing Jib + 60 ft Fixed Jib
This crane was posted by:

Walter Payton Power Equipment, LLC
www.wppecrane.comContact: Brian Lynch
Phone: 708-656-7700
Alt Phone: 708-201-3913
Fax: 708-532-1273
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The Model 14000 features the patented CAN-Bus and EPIC control system configured with six independent closed-loop hydraulic circuits. The fully hydraulic crane offers a maximum main boom of 89 m (282 ft), a luffing jib up to 110 m (364 ft) and lift capacity of 200 t (220 USt). The Model 14000 crane uses the FACT connection system for easy set-up.
Additional Features:
Complete crane, maximum boom, fixed jib, and counterweights ships on only 12 trucks
Heaviest module weight of 39,689 kg (87,500 lb) maximum module width of 3 m (10 ft)
Fast, efficient self-assembly and disassembly
253 kW (340 Hp) engine
EPIC with CAN-bus controls
Manitowoc Crane Care comprehensive support
Possible Boom/Jib Combinations:
292 ft Main Boom
243 ft Main Boom 80 ft Fixed Jib
193.6 ft Main Boom 170 ft Luffing Jib
193.6 ft Main Boom 170 ft Luffing Jib 60 ft Fixed Jib
Rental Prices
Please contact the dealer for pricing -- 708-656-7700
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